- To attempt to fit a competition model to actual data, namely Gause’s famous two-paremecium system.
- To practice loading data, using functions, and performing numerical experimentation in R
- There are 5 exercises in this lab to submit by midnight next Monday, April 1.
Note - you can copy-paste code from this lab into your R-studio, but
do so carefully and place it into a script, which you can save later as
an .R
There are two datasets posted on Blackboard or here and here:
and mixture.csv
Load these into R
, using using the
point and click or … better … using the
command as follows:
single <- read.csv("single.csv")
mixture <- read.csv("mixture.csv")
Q1. What do these datasets represent?
There are multiple ways to do this. For example, both of the following do the same thing:
plot(single$Day, single$caudatum)
plot(caudatum~Day, data = single)
You can make plots prettier in different ways. Compare the following:
plot(caudatum~Day, data = single, type = "l")
plot(caudatum~Day, data = single, type = "o")
plot(caudatum~Day, data = single, type = "o", col = "blue")
The plot()
function makes a new plot, but you can also
add points to an existing plot with the points()
function. For example, see the following code:
plot(aurelia~Day, type="o", data = single, col = "darkorange")
lines(caudatum~Day, data = single, type = "o", col = "darkblue")
Q2. Use
to load themixture.R
dataset and plot those two curves - in blue and orange - on the same figure as well.
Now - download and open the fittingfunctions.R
from Blackboard or here. Run the entire
code in that file, either selecting all (Ctrl-A
) and
running (Ctrl-Enter
), clicking on the Source
button under Run
up top or (simple yet fancy), run the
command as follows:
There are a bunch of functions in here that allow you to experiment with logistic and competition models. For example, to fit the logistic curve to one of the paramecium data sets, just do:
fitLogistic(y = "aurelia", time = "Day", data = single)
## Formula: Y ~ N.logistic(X, N0, K, r0)
## Parameters:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## N0 1.2780 0.7533 1.697 0.112
## K 222.6742 5.0593 44.013 < 2e-16 ***
## r0 0.7123 0.0828 8.602 5.83e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 12.65 on 14 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 8
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.322e-06
## (6 observations deleted due to missingness)
If you save the output of this function (as an R
object), you can draw the curve on your figure as well using the
au.fit <- fitLogistic(y = "aurelia", time = "Day", data = single)
plot(aurelia~Day, type="o", data = single)
Q3: Make the fit line fat and red by adding the following to your
function:linesLogistic(au.fit, lwd = 2, col = "red")
Q4: Perform the same fit for P. caudatum and report the estimates.
The simulateCompetition()
function numerically generates
the 2 species process we discussed in class, i.e.:
\[{dN_1 \over dt} = r_1 N_1 \left(1-{N_1 \over K_1} - \alpha {N_2\over K_1}\right)\] \[{dN_2 \over dt} = r_2 N_2 \left(1-{N_2 \over K_2} - \beta { N_1\over K_2}\right)\]
Where everything is familiar, except there is also an \(\alpha\) which cuts \(N_1\) down based on how many \(N_2\) there are, and a \(\beta\) which cuts \(N_2\) down based on how many \(N_1\) there are.
The way it works is as follows. You first enter a bunch of parameter values in, for example:
pars <- list(K1 = 100, K2 = 100,
r1 = 1, r2 = 1,
alpha = 2, beta = 1,
n1 = 20, n2 = 10)
Then, you can pass these parameters all at once into a simulation
function, and save the output into an object, here called
mysim <- simulateCompetition(tmax = 24, tstart = 2, pars)
Look at the structure of mysim
- by clicking on it, or
typing View(mysim)
or trying either of these commands:
## Day N1 N2
## 1 2.00 20.00000 10.00000
## 2 2.01 20.12000 10.07000
## 3 2.02 20.24020 10.14030
## 4 2.03 20.36058 10.21089
## 5 2.04 20.48115 10.28179
## 6 2.05 20.60190 10.35298
## 'data.frame': 2201 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ Day: num 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 ...
## $ N1 : num 20 20.1 20.2 20.4 20.5 ...
## $ N2 : num 10 10.1 10.1 10.2 10.3 ...
You can plot this, just as above. But I helpfully provided a function that does this for you:
Furthermore, you can plot this on top of a data set, which is nice. For example:
simPlot(mysim, data = mixture, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
Obviously, this is not a very good fit! I also wrote a function which quantifies how lousy of a fit this is using \(R^2\). The closer \(R^2\) is to 1, the better. That function works like this:
getR2(mysim, data = mixture, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
## N1 N2
## -4.767976 -1.190730
Yikes! Those are really bad numbers. They’re so far from 1, they’re negative.
Q5 or The Challenge: Experiment with this system and see if you can find values of \(\alpha\) (effect of caudatum on aurelia) and \(\beta\) (effect of aurelia on caudatum) which more or less captures the competition process observed in the data. How high can you get the \(R^2\) value to go?
Note - to do the above you basically just have to copy paste the
following lines of code, adjust the numbers in the pars
object, and keep experimenting. But use the following values as fixed:
\(K_1 = 210\), \(K_2 = 235\), \(N_1 = N_2 = 5\). That leaves \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) to play with:
pars <- list(K1 = 222, K2 = 202,
r1 = 0.71, r2 = 0.96,
alpha = 0, beta = 0,
n1 = 1.28, n2 = 0.2)
mysim <- simulateCompetition(tmax = 24, tstart = 2, pars)
simPlot(mysim, data = mixture, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
getR2(mysim, data = mixture, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
How close can you get yout \(R^2\) values to 1?
These functions, by the way, work great on the logistic data as well, where there is NO competition:
pars <- list(K1 = 222, K2 = 202,
r1 = 0.71, r2 = 0.96,
alpha = 0, beta = 0,
n1 = 1.28, n2 = 0.2)
mysim <- simulateCompetition(tmax = 24, tstart = 0, pars, dt = 0.001)
simPlot(mysim, data = single, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
getR2(mysim, data = single, species1 = "aurelia", species2 = "caudatum")
## N1 N2
## 0.9815410 0.9806087