

  • Conquer and permanently tame confusing folder soups of data and R scripts
  • Make code ultra-compact, well-documented, highly replicable
  • Dramatically shorten time to get back on track


  • (truly) publish tools and methods

Processing before:

(this is a small snippet of a data processing nightmare)

gps.dir <- "data/SonoranPronghorn/Locations_GPSCollarTelemetry/"
pronghorn <- read.csv(paste0(gps.dir,f.v1[i])) %>% processRaw_v1(id = id.v1[i], filename = f.v1[i])
pronghorn.sf <- st_as_sf(df.raw, coords = c("ECEF_X..m.","ECEF_Y..m.","ECEF_Z..m.")) %>% st_set_crs(4978) %>% 
      st_transform(4326) %>% st_coordinates
           File = filename, 
           ID = CollarID,
           DateTime = mdy_hms(paste(UTC_Date, UTC_Time)),
           Latitude = ll[,"Y"], 
           Longitude = ll[,"X"],
           Elevation = ll[,"Z"])) %>% 

Processing now

## 'data.frame':    25184 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ ID       : Factor w/ 43 levels "451","F_61_8251",..: 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ...
##  $ DateTime : POSIXct, format: "2017-12-07 02:00:12" "2017-12-07 13:00:38" ...
##  $ Latitude : num  32.4 32.4 32 32 32 ...
##  $ Longitude: num  -113 -113 -113 -113 -113 ...
##  $ Elevation: num  458 451 583 530 538 ...

R package structure

  • R folder contains code
  • data folder contains data - as .rda
  • man folder contains documentation
  • DESCRIPTION - file contains essential info
  • NAMESPACE - complicated file (mainly automated)


Package: pronghorn
Type: Package
Title: Sonoran pronghorn analysis project
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Elie, Nicky, others
Maintainer: The package maintainer <yourself@somewhere.net>
Description: The pronghorn package is a PRIVATE collaborative package containing processed data, 
             code and results for analysis of Sonoran pronghorn.
License: PRIVATE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: false
Depends: lubridate, magrittr, plyr, dplyr, ggplot2, ggpubr, sp, sf, stringr
Suggests: mapview 
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1


R help document

R man file

% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/datadocumentation.R
\title{GPS data of Sonoran pronghorn}
Contains only five columns:
  \item{File}{Original file name}
  \item{ID}{ID of animal}
  \item{DateTime}{Date and time in POSIXct}
Unclear.  Arizona DFG?  Anyways - via Andy Goodwin.
43 GPS collared pronghorn collared between 2008 and 2020

Using Roxygen

Streamlines documentation by turning “comments” into help files. Need to install roxygen2 package and fiddle with some “build” settings.

#' GPS data of Sonoran pronghorn
#' 43 GPS collared pronghorn collared between 2008 and 2020
#' @usage
#' data(pronghorn_gps)
#' @format Contains only five columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{File}{Original file name}
#'   \item{ID}{ID of animal}
#'   \item{DateTime}{Date and time in POSIXct}
#'   \item{Longitude,Latitude}{}
#' }
#' @example
#' examples/pronghorn_gps_examples.R
#' @source Unclear.  Arizona DFG?  Anyways - via Andy Goodwin. 
#' @keywords data

How to create a package

  1. By hand

  2. base::package.skeleton()

  3. usethis::create_package()

  4. build directly off of existing GitHub project

Building an R package

We’re going to take some of the scripts provided in fittingfunctions.R and the datasets single.csv and mixture.csv and systematically build a package called competitor (or any other name you choose).

It’s not too important what the package actually does, but basically it allows you to fit a logistic model and experiment with a competition model of two species of paramecium from a famous 1930’s experiment by Giorgi Gause.

Step I. Build a skeleton (empty) package

First, know your working directory! And where you’d like your package to reside.

## [1] "/home/elie/teaching/EFB_Rprogramming"

Also - if you’re on a Windows machine and you haven’t done so already, you will need to install the Rtools bundle of compilation tools. The easiest way to do that is with:


You’re ready to build your package skeleton:


You’ll see output that looks like this:

Package: combinator
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
Authors@R (parsed):
    * First Last <first.last@example.com> [aut, cre] (YOUR-ORCID-ID)
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to
    pick a license
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.1.0

Most importantly, it created a folder called combinator with all the correct structure, and opened a new Rstudio project. You need to be inside of that project - it is a special package-building project.

Step II: Edit the DESCRIPTION file

Open it, and edit it with all sorts of useful information, including (e.g.) your license, name, contact.

There is a handy function:


That will edit the DESCRIPTION file for you, and generate a crazy long description of the GNU General Public License with the following message:

✓ Setting active project to '/home/elie/teaching/EFB_Rprogramming/combinator'
✓ Setting License field in DESCRIPTION to 'GPL-3'
✓ Writing 'LICENSE.md'
✓ Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore'

None of that is important at all for a personal use package

Step III: Save some data

Read the two csv files from Blackboard.

single <- read.csv("content/single.csv")
mixture <- read.csv("content/mixture.csv")

Create a data directory in your package directory and SAVE the two data files with (importantly) an .rda extension;

save(single, file = "data/single.rda")
save(mixture, file = "data/mixture.rda")

They are saved now in an R specific format, which (by the way), independent of package building you can always load via:


Step IV: Save some code

Take the following three functions from fittingfunctions.R or just copy paste from these slides:

logistic <- function(x, N0, K, r0){ 
  K/(1 + ((K - N0)/N0)*exp(-r0*x))
fitLogistic <- function(data, y = "N", time = "Day", N0 = 1, K = 200, r0 = 0.75){
    Y <- with(data, get(y))
    X <- with(data, get(time))
    myfit <- nls(Y ~ logistic(X, N0, K, r0),  
        start = list(N0 = N0, K = K, r0 = r0))
linesLogistic <- function(au.fit, ...){
    curve(logistic(x, N0 =  au.fit$coefficients[1,1],
                     K= au.fit$coefficients[2,1],
                     r0= au.fit$coefficients[3,1]), add = TRUE, ...)

and copy (for now) EACH of these into three separate files in the R directory called: logistic.R, fitLogistic.R and linesLogistic.R. Note - you could place all of these functions into a single file, but this is cleaner / better practice.

Step V: Set up the documentation tool roxygen

ROxygen is a tool which allows you to directly create documentaiton by - essentially - adding comments to your script files. This is very important and a great simplification over olden days when help files were made by hand and you had to match a whole bunch of braces.

First, install the package


And then - (a subtle step) - go to the Build > Configure Build Tools in the menu, click on Configure and click on the little empty square next to the Build and Restart.

Now - modify the logistic.R script file as follows:

#' Logistic function
#' This is the logistic function 
#' which grows to a carrying capacity
#' @export

logistic <- function(x, N0, K, r0){ 
  K/(1 + ((K - N0)/N0)*exp(-r0*x))

This will generate a fairly barebones help file, with a title and a brief description. Note, every comment line leads off with a #'. Also - of huge importance - the #' @export line tells the R package that you want to “export”, i.e. make available, this function.

Step V: Build the package!

Enter Ctrl-shift-Build or Build > Clean and Rebuild

All sorts of exciting things will happen (and should work). Eventually you’ll get a message that says:

Restarting R session...

> library(combinator)

Which means your package is built and ready to go!

Now, type in ?logistic and bask in the glory of your first help file. Click on index at the bottom of the help file.

Exercise: Modify the other two functions with a title and a description and rebuild the package.

Here are some additions to the help file that provide more context:

#' Logistic function
#' This is the logistic function
#' which grows to a carrying capacity
#' @param x time
#' @param N0 initial time
#' @param K carrying capacity
#' @param r0 intrinsic growth rate
#' @examples curve(logistic(x, .01, 1, 10))
#' @export

logistic <- function(x, N0, K, r0){
  K/(1 + ((K - N0)/N0)*exp(-r0*x))

Step VI: Separately, document the data

This is a slightly odd thing. But if you’d want to both access and document the data (and you should) then you need to make a new R script file, e.g. datadocumentation.R and fill out a documentation file just as for a function.

With that, rebuild the package and revisit the dataset.

#' Single separate paramecium growth
#' Growth of two species of paramecium, 
#' P aurelia and P caudatum.
#' @usage data(single)
#' @format Three columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Day}{Day of experiment}
#'   \item{caudatum}{volume of P caudatum}
#'   \item{aurelia}{volume of P aurelia}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(single)
#' plot(aurelia ~ Day, data = single)
#' @source Gause (1934) The Struggle for Existence
#' @keywords data

Step VII: Make separate example files

You can make compact example code and tuck them into separate files. For example, save the following script into a file called logisticFitExample.R:


plot(aurelia ~ Day, data = single, col = 1)
points(caudatum ~ Day, data = single, col = 2)

fit1 <- fitLogistic(single, y = "aurelia", 
                    time = "Day", 1, 200, .75)
fit2 <- fitLogistic(single, y = "caudatum", 
                    time = "Day", 1, 200, .75)

linesLogistic(fit1, lwd = 3)
linesLogistic(fit2, col = 2, lwd = 3)

And now add the following line to the fitLogistic.R file:

#' @example examples/fitLogisticExample.R

And the complete example will show up in the bottom. I often do this, actually, for complex data files, so that I can tuck away portions of code that allow me to quickly and easily visualize the data frames.

Note - weirdly - @example works with separate scripts, but @examples works with single lines of example code.

The rest …