class: center, middle, title-slide .title[ # TuktuTools and Google Earth Engine ] .subtitle[ ## Elie Gurarie, Ophélie Couriot, Megan Perra, Chloe Beaupré ] .author[ ### NACW / AUC worshop – Anchorage – May 2023 ] .date[ ### May 10, 2023 ] --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 24px; padding: .5em 2em 2em 2em; } </style> # To save some time while we wait to get started ## reinstall this: ```r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ocouriot/TuktuTools", build_vignettes = TRUE) ``` ## bookmark a few sites --- # Schedule of the day .pull-left[ 8:30 - TuktuTools 1 10:05 - coffee/tea/snacks 10:20 - TuktuTools 2 **12:00-1:30 - lunch break** 1:30 - Google Earth Engine 1 3:05 - coffee/tea/snacks 3:20 - Google Earth Engine 2 ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[![](rlogo.jpeg)] .pull-right[![](logo.png)] ![](gee.jpeg) ] --- # in the morning **TuktuTools** .pull-left[ # TuktuTools Collection of functions we've developed to facilitate exploration and analysis of movement data. We've started coding then in an R package called TuktuTools. Beyond TuktuTools details, our goal will be to practice coding & dealing with movement data in R. ] .pull-right[![](logo.png)] --- # in the morning **TuktuTools** .pull-left[ 1. Basics of movement 2. Maps, means, ranges 3. Weather covariates 4. Estimating parturition 5. (time allowing) Hierarchical migration ] .pull-right[![](logo.png)] --- # meet the team ![](people.png)