Estimating caribou calving dates and locations using the TuktuTools Package

Ophélie Couriot and Eliezer Gurarie



This document provides steps to estimate calving (i.e., parturition) status, timing and location, for female barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus spp.), by analyzing their movement patterns using functions from the TuktuTools package.

This tool is a refinement of the the “individual-based method” (IBM) developed by DeMars et al (2013) to infer calving status. This method assumes that a female’s movement rate drops rapidly when she calves, and that displacements remain low for several days or weeks if the calf survives, since neonates are not able to move as quickly as adults. Calving events are identifiable by a sudden and marked change – or break point – in a female’s mean step length (i.e. the distance between two successive relocations). Conversely, if the female loses her calf during the neonatal period, a second break point would occur in the female movement pattern, since the female would recover her pre-calving movement rate abruptly. The method also assumes that non-calving females maintian a constant mean movement rate throughout the entire calving period.

The DeMars method assumes a regularly sampled time series of observations, since the analysis is performed on step lengths. We adapt the method to account for variability in sample schedules and missing data by performing analyses on movement rates (i.e. the distance traveled divided by the interval between observations) instead of on step length. More details on this method can be found in Couriot et al. (in press), and users are encouraged to read the paper for a deeper understanding of the methodology.


This preliminary beta version of the TuktuTools package contains a selection of tools to:

In this document, we focus on the estimateCalving function, which estimates calving status, timing and location, using an individual based method. We provide the required steps to estimate calving, from data processing and cleaning to identifying calving timing and location. In order to provide concrete examples, the package includes movement data from four females of barren-ground caribou, provided by the Government of the Northwest Territories under agreement 8515-05 DR #607.

Estimate calving

The package, currently, can be installed from GitHub and loaded via:


The example data are loaded as follows:

##       ID sex                Time Year       Lon      Lat         x       y
## 1 Dancer   f 2002-04-01 00:00:00 2002 -133.8427 62.77028 -51589.97 7006600
## 2 Dancer   f 2002-04-01 08:00:00 2002 -133.8394 62.76716 -51480.43 7006228
## 3 Dancer   f 2002-04-01 16:00:00 2002 -133.8453 62.77767 -51584.51 7007437
## 4 Dancer   f 2002-04-02 00:00:00 2002 -133.8643 62.80010 -52121.93 7010074
## 5 Dancer   f 2002-04-02 08:00:00 2002 -133.8621 62.79918 -52024.50 7009953
## 6 Dancer   f 2002-04-02 16:00:00 2002 -133.8625 62.80007 -52030.49 7010055

Note that the data frame contains a Time column (as POSIX) and ID column, as well as coordinates (Longitude - Latitude) and projected coordinates (x, y).

Clean data

The GPS devices are configured to relocate daily, every 8-hours, or hourly for some individuals (e.g. 0:00 am, 8:00 am or 4:00 pm). However, it appears that sometimes the GPS devices relocate at 1 or 2 minute intervals not fitting with the hourly schedule. In addition, it is biologically impossible for an animal to move several kilometers in one minute. Thus, the relocations with a time interval in the order of minutes are more prone to be ‘outliers’.

The removeOutliers function in this package allows users to clean data prior to analyses. The function flags relocations that are not biologically probable, using the following rules:


removeOutliers(df, steps = 10)


df a data frame containing columns: ID - individual identifier, x and y coordinates (in a metric system), DateTime - date and time vector (of class POSIXct)

steps if specified, the number of cleaning steps to be performed (default is 10)


The function adds a column “outlier”. If TRUE, it means that the location has been identified as an outlier.


# load data

# remove potential outliers and keep only females
caribou.cleaned <- removeOutliers(caribou) %>% subset(!outlier & sex == "f")
## Cleaning Step 1
## Number of 'outliers' detected: 4

Focus on the calving period

After removing potential outliers, we censored and trimmed our data to focus on the calving period, to avoid detecting behaviors other than calving. The calving period has been described to occur between May 19 and July 07 for barren-ground caribou (Cameron et al. 2018).

The convenience function prepData allows trimming the time series to a given period, guaranteeing a minimum number of location fixes a day, and removing individuals with gaps in the data greater than a threshold.


prepData(df, start, end, nfixes, dayloss)


df a data frame containing columns: ID_Year - individual identifier per year, x and y coordinates (in a metric system), DateTime - date and time vector (of class POSIXct)

start,end period of interest start and end dates, formated as character strings in the form “mm-dd” (e.g. “05-19” and “07-07” for the parturition analysis)

nfixes individuals with fewer than nfixes observations per day over the period of of interest are removed

dayloss individuals with this meany consecutive days with missing locations are removed.


A filtered and processed data frame containing movement data for the desired period.


We focused our analysis on the period between May 19 to July 7, with at least 1 fix per day, and no more that 3 consecutive days of missing data.

caribou.prepped <- prepData(caribou.cleaned, 
                            start = "05-19", end = "07-07", 
                            nfixes = 1, dayloss = 3)
## Period clipped to 05-19 - 07-07
## Number of excluded individuals-years: 2

Get movement rate

After the data are processed and filtered, we can analyze movement patterns and estimate calving (i.e. parturition) status, date, location and calf death date and location, if any.

As we adapted the method developed by DeMars et al. (2013), by analyzing movement rate instead of step length. We first calculate the movement rate between subsequent relocation for each individual and each year using the getSpeed function.




df a data frame containing columns: ID - individual identifier, x and y coordinates (in a metric system), Time - date and time vector (of class POSIXct)


The function adds the following columns to the dataframe: * speed movement rate between subsequent locations (in meters per hour) * sl step length between subsequent locations * dhours an index of the cumulative time (in hours) from the first to the nth relocation * dt time lag between subsequent relocation (in hours).


To obtain the movement rates for the 4 barren-ground caribou females: <- getSpeed(caribou.prepped)
##       ID sex                Time Year       Lon      Lat        x       y
## 1 Dancer   f 2002-05-19 00:00:00 2002 -130.6295 64.86413 139075.4 7215110
## 2 Dancer   f 2002-05-19 08:00:00 2002 -130.6010 64.91193 141061.6 7220245
## 3 Dancer   f 2002-05-19 16:00:00 2002 -130.5404 65.03517 145551.0 7233559
## 4 Dancer   f 2002-05-20 00:00:00 2002 -130.4893 65.12021 149065.5 7242700
## 5 Dancer   f 2002-05-20 08:00:00 2002 -130.4349 65.17452 152319.3 7248417
## 6 Dancer   f 2002-05-20 16:00:00 2002 -130.3993 65.22834 154681.2 7254187
##   outlier        X       Y               z dt        sl dhours     speed
## 1   FALSE 139075.4 7215110 139075+7215110i NA        NA      0        NA
## 2   FALSE 141061.6 7220245 141062+7220245i  8  5505.728      8  688.2160
## 3   FALSE 145551.0 7233559 145551+7233559i  8 14050.469     16 1756.3086
## 4   FALSE 149065.5 7242700 149066+7242700i  8  9792.617     24 1224.0772
## 5   FALSE 152319.3 7248417 152319+7248417i  8  6578.743     32  822.3429
## 6   FALSE 154681.2 7254187 154681+7254187i  8  6234.093     40  779.2616

The displacements, intervals and speeds all correspond to the step moving towards a given location, hence the NA value for the first of the respective rows.

Estimate calving status and timing

We can now estimate calving status, calving date, and calf death date, if any, using the estimateCalving function. This function determines calving status of a female (no calf, with a calf or lost her calf), calving date and location, and the calf death date and location.

As stated previously, we adapted the individual based method developed by Demars et al. (2013) with the main change beting that we model movement rates (i.e. speeds) rather than step lengths. Thus, all models assume that speed follows a Gamma distribution and differ in two parameters: shape and scale.

For the model representing:

  1. females that do not calve: the mean movement rate remains constant through the entire calving period;
  2. females that had a calf who survived at least 4 weeks after birth: the mean movement rate is constant before calving, then abruptly drops for calving, creating a break point. After calving, the mean movement rate increases progressively following: \((shape_{calving} * (\frac{\overline{shape} - shape_{calving}}{k}) * time) * (scale_{calving} * (\frac{\overline{scale} - scale_{calving}}{k}) * time)\) where k is the number of days required for the calf to achieve adult movement rates.
  3. females that lose calves: there is an abrupt change in the slope of the post-calving increase, creating a second break point after which the mean speed immediately recovers its pre-calving value.

The models therefore differ in their number of parameters to estimate: the no calf model has two – shape and scale; the calf model has five – shape and scale before calving, scale at calving, k, and calving date; and the calf death model has six – shape and scale before calving, scale at calving, k, and calving and calf death dates. We used Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) model selection and identified the top performing model with the lowest AIC value.

In practice, separating the calf survived vs. calf died models can be challenging,


estimateCalving(df, int, kcons, models = c("full", "calfonly"), PlotIt = FALSE, saveplot = FALSE)


df a dataframe containing the movement rate between subsequent relocation of individuals, as obtained using ‘getSpeed’. See ?get.speed for more information on the Data requirements

int integer value indicating the minimum number of days between the beginning of the time series and the first BP (calf birth), the last BP (calf death) and the end of the time series, and between the two BPs. The main reason for this constraint is that a minimum number of data points are required in each section of the time-series to be able to estimate model parameters. We recommend 9 relocations (e.g. 3 days at 3 locations / day).

kcons constraints on the recovery parameter k, as a vector of the minimum and maximum time it takes the female to recover normal movement rate (in days).

models either full to fit all three models (i.e., no calf, calf and calf death models), or calfonly to fit only the no calf and calf models

drawplot if TRUE the function will draw a plot of the movement rate against date with the prediction line of the best model selected (by ‘AIC’), among no-calf, calf, calf death based on the actual speed of the female in function of the date

saveplot if TRUE, the plot of the best model will be saved (as ggplot objects).


The function returns a list of 3 data frames: coeffs containing the best model for each female, selected based on AIC, the AIC of the 3 models (i.e. no calf model, calf model and calf death model) and the negative likelihood of each model. Par containing the estimated parameters of all the models (0: no calf, 1: calf, 2: calf death) results containing the best model, for each female, based on AIC, the calving timing and location (if the calf model is the best model), and the mortality timing and location of the calf (if the calf death is the best model).


Note, the function will analyze all of the caribou separately as below. At the bottom of this vignette, we produce the complete compacted code (just 5 lines) to run the entire analysis.

# Will generate a sample of two different individuals each time
part <- estimateCalving(df =, int=3, kcons=c(5,21), 
                        models = "calfonly", drawplot=TRUE, saveplot=FALSE)
## [1] "Dancer_2002"

## [1] "Dancer_2003"

## [1] "Dancer_2004"

## [1] "Prancer_2014"

## [1] "Prancer_2015"

## [1] "Prancer_2016"

## [1] "Vixen_2007"

## [1] "Vixen_2008"

## [1] "Vixen_2009"

## [1] "Comet_2006"

## [1] "Comet_2007"

The object part is a list of 3 data frames which show the estimates, summaries and statistics of calving:


##         ID_Year      ID Year Best.Model   M0.AIC Mcalf.AIC    M0.mnll
## 1   Dancer_2002  Dancer 2002       calf 2127.988  2049.150 -1061.9938
## 2   Dancer_2003  Dancer 2003     nocalf 2343.712  2352.656 -1169.8561
## 3   Dancer_2004  Dancer 2004     nocalf 2417.476        NA -1206.7378
## 4  Prancer_2014 Prancer 2014     nocalf 2046.705  2063.563 -1021.3523
## 5  Prancer_2015 Prancer 2015       calf 1999.761  1986.886  -997.8806
## 6  Prancer_2016 Prancer 2016       calf 1999.598  1989.871  -997.7991
## 7    Vixen_2007   Vixen 2007       calf 2141.104  2083.512 -1068.5520
## 8    Vixen_2008   Vixen 2008       calf 2140.372  2113.974 -1068.1862
## 9    Vixen_2009   Vixen 2009       calf 2129.976  2092.720 -1062.9879
## 10   Comet_2006   Comet 2006       calf 2262.255  2242.464 -1129.1276
## 11   Comet_2007   Comet 2007       calf 2068.392  2054.771 -1032.1958
##    Mcalf.mnll
## 1  -1019.5752
## 2  -1171.3280
## 3          NA
## 4  -1026.7816
## 5   -988.4432
## 6   -989.9354
## 7  -1036.7559
## 8  -1051.9869
## 9  -1041.3602
## 10 -1116.2321
## 11 -1022.3857

Estimated parameters:

##         ID Year   alpha.0      beta.0 alpha.mean1  beta.mean1 alpha.calf1
## 1   Dancer 2002 1.8157222 0.003385664    4.110104 0.004935978           1
## 2   Dancer 2003 1.5163935 0.002816200    1.173065 0.002569369           1
## 3   Dancer 2004 0.8864629 0.001476667          NA          NA          NA
## 4  Prancer 2014 1.8134460 0.004275352    2.163503 0.005348627           1
## 5  Prancer 2015 1.7909516 0.005022935    1.971807 0.005734049           1
## 6  Prancer 2016 1.4451783 0.003647874    1.381339 0.002648580           1
## 7    Vixen 2007 1.3421362 0.002334021    2.957727 0.002822821           1
## 8    Vixen 2008 1.5909909 0.003059685    1.281277 0.002284303           1
## 9    Vixen 2009 0.7521360 0.001306296    1.191237 0.001197908           1
## 10   Comet 2006 1.4344893 0.003243705    1.846232 0.004439056           1
## 11   Comet 2007 1.1338237 0.002390424    1.068144 0.001992606           1
##     beta.calf1 BP.calf1       calving.date1 recovery1
## 1  0.014659220       13 2002-06-01 00:00:00  504.0000
## 2  0.005138737      389 2003-06-12 00:00:00  120.0000
## 3           NA       NA                <NA>        NA
## 4  0.010697254        8 2014-05-27 00:00:00  312.0007
## 5  0.011468098      384 2015-06-07 00:01:00  247.9643
## 6  0.009014247      748 2016-06-05 00:01:00  260.7497
## 7  0.012157285       12 2007-05-31 00:00:00  504.0000
## 8  0.013520722      389 2008-06-11 00:00:00  120.0000
## 9  0.006606989      748 2009-06-05 00:01:00  504.0000
## 10 0.008878112       16 2006-06-04 00:01:00  296.0004
## 11 0.012815665      389 2007-06-12 00:00:00  120.0000

Summary of results:

##         ID Year Best.Model Recovery calf.loc.x calf.loc.y
## 1   Dancer 2002       calf 2002-06-01 00:00:00       21   217352.1    7305597
## 2   Dancer 2003     nocalf                <NA>       NA         NA         NA
## 3   Dancer 2004     nocalf                <NA>       NA         NA         NA
## 4  Prancer 2014     nocalf                <NA>       NA         NA         NA
## 5  Prancer 2015       calf 2015-06-07 00:01:00       10   206193.7    7321665
## 6  Prancer 2016       calf 2016-06-05 00:01:00       11   230550.3    7320223
## 7    Vixen 2007       calf 2007-05-31 00:00:00       21   221893.5    7313969
## 8    Vixen 2008       calf 2008-06-11 00:00:00        5   240340.4    7283373
## 9    Vixen 2009       calf 2009-06-05 00:01:00       21   209709.3    7320380
## 10   Comet 2006       calf 2006-06-04 00:01:00       12   219053.9    7327185
## 11   Comet 2007       calf 2007-06-12 00:00:00        5   245517.3    7342269

Compact R code

In summary, the complete analysis can be performed with the following few lines of code:

caribou_prepped <- caribou %>% removeOutliers %>% 
  prepData(start = "05-19", end = "07-07", nfixes = 1, dayloss = 3) %>% getSpeed
estimateCalving(caribou_prepped, int=3, kcons=c(5,21), models = "calfonly")