In part to illustrate some places where movement data are “tucked away” in R, here’s an example of a mouflon (Ovis gmelini) in the
package. This particular mouflon was tracked in 2003 somewhere in southern France, data from the Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage - the national game and wildlife agency of France.
The following bit of code extracts one of two mouflons in the package, retaining only the x, y and date (time) columns, which as all we need. Note that the time vector is already in POSIX format.
# See all the data in the package by running:
## > data(package = "adehabitatLT")
data(mouflon) # loads the data.
mouflon <-[[1]][,1:3])
## 'data.frame': 135 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ x : num 650634 650569 650589 650554 650468 ...
## $ y : num 1844951 1844938 1844963 1844959 1845157 ...
## $ date: POSIXct, format: "2003-11-02 06:40:00" "2003-11-02 07:00:00" ...
There is a bit of an issue with some missing observations in these data
## 125 10
A simple way to tidy those (for our purposes) is simply:
mouflon <- na.omit(mouflon)
Creating a complex vector and plotting the movement:
mouflon$z <- mouflon$x + 1i * mouflon$y
plot(mouflon$z, asp = 1, type = "o")
Check out this R markdown trick for reporting stats. If I type:
There are `r nrow(mouflon)` locations in the data base, spanning `r round(diff(range(mouflon$x)))` m East-West, and `r round(diff(range(mouflon$y)))` m North-South.
The output is: There are 125 locations in the data base, spanning 695 m East-West, and 1044 m North-South., and so on. The other important piece of infromation I asked for was the sampling rate, which is obtained by:
dT <- difftime(mouflon$date[-1], mouflon$date[-nrow(mouflon)], "minutes")
## 20 40 140
## 119 4 1
almost all of the time intervals are 20 minutes, with a few 40 minute intervals (because of single missing locations), and one of 140 minutes (because of 6 missing locations).
dS <- Mod(diff(mouflon$z))
## [1] 49.45847
## [1] 50.471
hist(dS, breaks = 50, col = "grey",xlab = "step length (m)")
So, in 20 minutes the mouflon typically moves 50 m (sd 50 m). POP QUIZ: What is a distribution where the mean and standard deviation are equal? Note also that since not ALL step durations are 20 minutes, this is a slightly biased analysis.
mouflon[which.max(dS) + c(-1:1),]
## x y date z
## 99 650801.5 1844614 2003-11-03 15:20:00 650802+1844614i
## 100 650704.7 1844669 2003-11-03 15:40:00 650705+1844669i
## 101 650755.1 1844946 2003-11-03 16:00:00 650755+1844946i
The key is to take the argument of the steps, i.e. of
Phi <- Arg(diff(mouflon$z))
The rest follows directly
## [1] -0.1762241
## [1] 0.001033232
hist(Phi, breaks = 20, col = "grey")
rose.diag(Phi, bins = 24, prop = 2, col = "grey")
The angles are more less uniformy distributed between \(-\pi\) and \(\pi\) - as expected. The mean AND mean cosine are near 0, indiciating no overall orientation to the movement.
The turning angles are the differences in the absolute orientations:
Theta <- diff(Phi)
The rest follows directly as abbove:
## [1] 0.03993427
## [1] -0.1625449
hist(Theta, breaks = 20, col = "grey")
rose.diag(Theta, bins = 24, prop = 2, col = "grey")
In this particular example, the turning angles are ALSO surprisingly uniform, and the mean cosine (\(\rho\)) is amazingly negative. In MOST cases, it will be positive, to reflect a general persistence of movement in the same direction. his is NOT typical of movement data, and (presumably) reflects the fact that the mouflon are (a) in a highly mountainous and often range limited. If you look at the movement data, you will see that there are highly stationary states and a few displacements. We can explore that hypothesis a little bit by filterin the data to larger step lengths. Thus:
steps <- diff(mouflon$z)
long_steps <- steps[Mod(steps) > 50]
## [1] 0.1606068
rose.diag(cos(diff(Arg(long_steps))), prop = 2, col = "grey")
Ah! Much better. The \(\widehat{\rho} > 0\), and most of the angles are “forward” looking.
If \(\rho = 1\), all the movement is in the same direction. If \(\rho = 0\) the turning angles are completely random. If \(\rho < 0\) the movements tend to go back and forth.
I emailed you a file, AmericanBeech.csv
which contains
the coordinates of American beech trees (Fagus grandifola)
measured at SUNY-ESF’s Adirondack Research Station in 1985, 2000 and
2009 (data courtesy of M.
## beech <- read.csv("AmericanBeech.csv")
## 'data.frame': 219 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ EAST : num 17 46.9 42 19.5 32.6 ...
## $ NORTH: num 10.5 49.9 16.3 34.9 15.7 ...
## $ DBH85: num 54.9 42.7 46.4 45.2 44 47.8 41.4 46.4 44.8 42.1 ...
## $ DBH00: num 57 49.5 50.9 48.5 47.8 49 45.5 46.8 46.9 42.8 ...
## $ DBH09: num 58.5 53.3 52.8 51.2 50.8 50.3 49.1 48.1 47.2 47 ...
Z <- beech$EAST + 1i*beech$NORTH
plot(Z, asp = 1)
and apply
to compute the
distance from each tree to it’s nearest neighbor,To use
, you need a function that takes two arguments and returns a single value. But those arguments can be complex! So the distance between two points functions can be:
getDistance <- function(z1, z2) Mod(z2 - z1)
Applying this across all combinations of points giv es:
D.matrix <- outer(Z, Z, getDistance)
Let’s take a quick peek at this matix:
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 0.00000 49.47798 25.663079 24.53798 16.461290
## [2,] 49.47798 0.00000 33.964640 31.22298 37.052843
## [3,] 25.66308 33.96464 0.000000 29.16821 9.407665
## [4,] 24.53798 31.22298 29.168213 0.00000 23.209425
## [5,] 16.46129 37.05284 9.407665 23.20942 0.000000
This matrix is symmetric, because the distance between tree 1 and tree 2 is equal to the distance between tree 2 and tree 1. And it has 0’s along the diagonal, because the distance between a tree and itself is 0. Actually, any symmetric matrix with 0’s along the diagonals can be considered a distance matrix (or - formally - a distance matrix in a metric space). The diagonal is not very interesting, so we could replace all of those 0’s with NA’s:
diag(D.matrix) <- NA
Now that we have a distance matrix, we can use
along the rows (or columns) get the distance of the nearest tree:
NN.distances <- apply(D.matrix, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
If you want to do everthing in one line, it would look like this:
NN.distances <- apply(outer(Z, Z, function(z1, z2) Mod(z1-z2)),
1, function(x) min(x[x>0]))
High-level stuff! Two bespoke functions defined within a single line of code!
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.02279 1.32507 1.91916 1.94243 2.40744 5.91733
hist(NN.distances, breaks = 40, col = "grey")
The mean & median nearest neighber distance between trees is about 2 meters, but it looks like there might be some inhibition in the growth of the beech trees, i.e. below the 2 meter peak, it is much less likely to find another tree within, say 1 meter. There are real, biological reasons for this, of course, that even non-plant ecologists might surmise!