9  Time Series


E. Gurarie

9.1 Time Series Inferno:

Lasciate ogni speranza (di indipendenza), voi ch’entrate!

Translation: “Abandon all hope (of independence), ye who enter here!”

9.2 One slide summary of linear modeling

  • Simple: \[ Y_i = {\bf X} \beta + \epsilon_i \] \[ \epsilon_i \sim {\cal N}(0, \sigma^2) \] where \({\bf X}\) is the linear predictor and \(\epsilon_i\) are i.i.d.
    Solved with: \(\hat{\beta} = ({\bf X}'{\bf X})^{-1}{\bf X}'y\).

  • Generalized: \[ Y_i \sim \text{Distribution}(\mu) \] \[ g(\mu) = {\bf X} \beta \] where Distribution is exponential family and \(g(\mu)\) is the link function. Solved via iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS).

  • Generalized Additive: \[Y_i \sim \text{Distribution}(\mu) \] \[ g(\mu_i) = {\bf X}_i \beta + \sum_{j} f_j(x_{ji}) \] where \({\bf X}_i\) is the \(i\)th row of X and \(f_j()\) is some smooth function of the \(j\)th covariate. Solved via penalized iteratively reweighted least squares (P-IRLS).

Note: In all of these cases \(i\) is unordered!

  • \(Y_1, Y_2, Y_3 ... Y_n\) can be reshuffled: \(Y_5, Y_{42}, Y_2, Y_n ... Y_3\) with no impact on the results!
  • In other words, all of the residuals: \(\epsilon_i = Y_i - \text{E}(Y_i)\) and \(\epsilon_j = Y_j - \text{E}(Y_j)\) are independent: \(\text{cov}{\epsilon_i, \epsilon_j} = 0\)

9.3 Basic Definitions Stochastic process:

  • Any process (data or realization of random model) that is structured by an index: \[ X_{t_{n}} = f(X_{t_1}, X_{t_2}, X_{t_3} ... X_{t_{n-1}})\] where \(f(\cdot)\) is a random process. The index can be time, spatial, location on DNA chain, etc. Time-series:

  • A stochastic process indexed by
  • \(i \to t\): \(Y_1, Y_2, Y_3 ... Y_n\) becomes \(Y_{t_1}, Y_{t_2}, Y_{t_3} ... Y_{t_n}\) Discrete-time time-series:

  • Data collected at regular (Annual, Monthly, Daily, Hourly, etc.)~intervals.
  • \(t\) usually denoted (and ordered) \(1, 2, 3, ... n\). Continuous-time time-series:

-Data collected at arbitrary intervals: \(t_i \in \{T_{min}, T_{max}\}\).

9.4 Example of time series (and questions) Question: Has the level of Lake Huron changed over 100 years?

Question: Can we identify the trend / seasonal pattern / random fluctuations / make forecasts about CO2 emissions?

Question: What are the dynamics and relationships within and between lynx and hare numbers?[^1] [^1]: MacLulich Fluctuations in the numbers of varying hare, 1937

Question: How can we infer unobserved behavioral states from the movements of animals?

Note: Multidimensional state \(X\), continuous time \(T\)

Question: How can we quantify the time budgets and behaviors of a wolf?

Note: Discrete states \(X\), continuous time \(T\)

9.5 Some objectives of time-series analysis

  • Characterizing a random process
    • Identifying trends, cycles, random structure
    • Identifying and estimating the stochastic model for the time series
  • Inference
    • Accounting for lack of independence in linear modeling frameworks
    • Avoiding FALSE INFERENCE!
  • Learning something important the autocorrelation structure
    • Forecasting

9.6 Concept 1: Autocorrelation

  • Autocovariance function: \(\gamma(h) = \text{cov}[X_t, X_{t-h}]\)
  • Autocorrelation function (acf): \(\rho(h) = \text{cor}[X_t, X_{t+h}]\)

9.6.1 Estimates

  • Sample mean: \[\overline{X} = {1 \over n}\sum_{t=1}^n X_t\]
  • Sample autocovariance: \[\widehat{\gamma}(h) = {1 \over n} \sum_{t=1}^{n-|h|} (X_{t+|h|} - \overline{X})(X_t - \overline{X})\]
  • Sample autocorrelation: \[\widehat{\rho}(h) = {\widehat{\gamma}(h) \over \widehat{\gamma}(0)}\]

9.6.2 Sample autocorrelation

in R: acf(X)

Lake Huron

Gives an immediate sense of the significance / shape of autocorrelation

White Noise

Note, blue dashed line is \(1.96 \over \sqrt{n}\), because expected sample autocorrelation for white noise is \(\sim {\cal N}(0,1/n)\)


ACF provides instant feel for periodic patterns.


Not useful for time-series with very strong trends!

9.7 The autoregression model

  • First order autoregressive model: AR(1): \[ X_t = \phi_1 \,X_{t-1} + Z_t\] where \(Z_t \sim {\cal N}(0, \sigma^2)\) is White Noise (time series jargon for i.i.d.).

  • Second order autoregressive: AR(2): \[ X_t = \phi_1 \,X_{t-1} + \phi_2 \, X_{t-2} + Z_t\]

  • \(p\)-th order autoregressive model: AR(p): \[ X_t = \phi_1 \,X_{t-1} + \phi_2 \, X_{t-2} + ... + \phi_p Z_{t-p} + Z_t \]

Note: these models assume \(\text{E}[X] = 0\). Relaxing this gives (for AR(1)): \[ {X_t = \phi_1 \,(X_{t-1}-\mu) + Z_t + \mu} \]

Pause: to compute \(\text{E}[X]\), \(\text{var}[X]\) and \(\rho(h)\) for an \(X \sim AR(1)\) on the board.

9.7.1 AR(1): Theoretical predictions

\[ \rho(h) = \phi_1^h \]

curve(acf(LakeHuron)$acf[2]^x, add=TRUE, col=3, lwd=2)

If the sample acf looks exponential - probably an AR(1) model.

9.7.2 Fitting Lake Huron AR(1)

Fit: \({X_t = \phi_1 (\,X_{t-1} - \mu) + Z_t + \mu}\)\

LakeHuron.lm <- lm(LakeHuron[-1] ~ LakeHuron[-length(LakeHuron)])
abline(LakeHuron.lm, col=3, lwd=2)

\(\bullet\) \(\phi_1 = 0.8364\); \(\widehat\mu = 579\) ft; \(\widehat\sigma^2 = 0.52\) ft\(^2\)

Note: \(R^2 = 0.70\), i.e. about 70% percent of the variation observed in water levels is explained by previous years.

9.7.3 Diagnostic plots

plot(LakeHuron.lm, 1:2)

Check regression assumptions: Homoscedastic, Normal, Independent - note use of acf function to test assumption of independence!

9.7.4 But what about the trend?

Decomposition with trend: \[ {Y_t = m_t + X_t} \]


  • {\(m_t\) } is the slowly varying trend component
  • {\(X_t\) } is a random component
  • {\(X_t\)} can have serial autocorrelation
  • \(\text{E}[X_t] = 0\)
  • \(X_t\) must be stationary.

Definition of Stationary

  • \(X_t\) is a Stationary process if \(\text{E}[X_t]\) is independent of \(t\)
  • \(X_t\) is what is left over after the time-dependent part is removed

9.7.5 Estimating a trend and correlation to Lake Huron

\[Y_{T} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 T + X_{T}\] \[ X_{T} = \phi_1 X_{T-1} + Z_T \]

plot(LakeHuron, ylab="Level (ft above sea level)", xlab="Year", main="Lake Huron Water Level", col=3, lwd=2)
lines(LakeHuron, col=3, lwd=1.5)
LH.trend <- lm(LakeHuron~time(LakeHuron))
abline(LH.trend, lwd=2, col="darkred")

acf(residuals(LH.trend), main = "ACF of trend", lag.max=20)
X <- residuals(LH.trend)
X.lm <- lm(X[-1]~X[-length(X)])  


lm(formula = X[-1] ~ X[-length(X)])

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.95881 -0.49932  0.00171  0.41780  1.89561 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    0.01529    0.07272    0.21    0.834    
X[-length(X)]  0.79112    0.06590   12.00   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.7161 on 95 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6027,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5985 
F-statistic: 144.1 on 1 and 95 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
acf(residuals(X.lm), main="ACF of residuals of X", lag.max=20)


  • \(\widehat{\beta_0} = 625\) ft
  • \(\widehat{\beta_1} = -0.024\) ft/year
  • \(\widehat{\phi_1} = 0.79\)
  • \(\widehat\sigma^2 = 0.513\) ft\(^2\)

9.7.6 Estimating a trend and correlation to Lake Huron Version 1: Two-step

LH.trend <- lm(LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron)) 
X <- residuals(LH.trend) 
X.lm <- lm(X[-1]~X[-length(X)])
                Estimate Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   0.01528513 0.07272035  0.2101905 8.339691e-01
X[-length(X)] 0.79111798 0.06590223 12.0044198 9.501693e-21

Note the simple linear regression gives a HIGHLY significant result for time. Version 2: One step

with generalized least squares (gls):

LH.gls <- gls(LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron), 
              correlation = corAR1(form=~1))
                       Value   Std.Error   t-value      p-value
(Intercept)     616.48869318 24.36263223 25.304683 2.944221e-44
time(LakeHuron)  -0.01943459  0.01266414 -1.534616 1.281674e-01
  • Correlation coefficient: \(\phi = 0.8247\)
  • Regression slope: \(\beta_1 = -0.0194\) - (p-value: 0.13)

WHAT HAPPENED!? The TIME effect is not significant in this model! Does this mean that there is no trend in Lake Huron levels?

9.7.7 Generalized least squares

What DOES ``generalized least squares’’ mean? Some theoretical background:

Linear regession (“ordinary least squares”):

\[y = {\bf X \beta} + \epsilon\] \(y\) is \(n \times 1\) response, \({\bf X}\) is \(n \times p\) model matrix; \(\beta\) is \(p \times 1\) vector of parameters, \(\epsilon\) is \(n\times 1\) vector of errors. Assuming \(\epsilon \sim {\cal N}(0, \sigma^2 {\bf I}_n)\) (where \({\bf I}_n\) is \(n\times n\) identity matrix) gives {} estimator of \(\beta\): \[\hat{\beta} = ({\bf X}'{\bf X})^{-1}{\bf X}'y \] \[V(\hat{\beta}) = \sigma^2 ({\bf X}'{\bf X})^{-1}\]

Solving this is the equivalent of finding the \(\beta\) that minimizes the Residual Sum of Squares: \[ RSS(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - {\bf X}_i \beta)^2\]

Assume more generally that \(\epsilon \sim {\cal N}(0, \Sigma)\) has nonzero off-diagonal entries corresponding to correlated errors. If \(\Sigma\) is known, the log-likelihood for the model is maximized with:

\[\hat{\beta}_{gls} = ({\bf X}\Sigma^{-1}{\bf X})^{-1} {\bf X} \Sigma^{-1}{\bf y}\]

For example, when \(\Sigma\) is a diagonal matrix of unequal error variances (heteroskedasticity), then \(\hat{\beta}\) is the weighted-least-squares (WLS) estimator.

In a real application, of course, \(\Sigma\) is not known, and must be estimated along with the regression coefficients \(\beta\)But there are way too many elements in \(\Sigma\) - (this many: $ n (n+1) / 2 $).

A large part of dealing with dependent data is identifying a tractable, relatively simple form for that residual variance-covariance matrix, and then solving for the coefficients.

This is: generalized least squares} (GLS)

9.7.8 Visualizing variance-covariance matrices:

Empirical \(\Sigma\) matrix and theoretical \(\Sigma\) matrix for residuals\

# Empirical Sigma
res <- lm(LakeHuron~time(LakeHuron))$res
n <- length(res); V <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
for(i in 1:n) V[n-i+1,(i:n - i)+1] <- res[i:n]
ind <- upper.tri(V); V[ind] <- t(V)[ind] 

# Fitted Sigma
sigma.hat <-  LH.gls$sigma
phi.hat <- 0.8
V.hat <- outer(1:n, 1:n, function(x,y) phi.hat^abs(x-y))
require(fields); image.plot(var(V)); image.plot(sigma.hat*V.hat)

9.7.9 How to determine the order of an AR(p) model?

The base ar() function, which uses AIC.

Raw lake Huron data:


ar(x = LakeHuron)

      1        2  
 1.0538  -0.2668  

Order selected 2  sigma^2 estimated as  0.5075

Residuals of time regression:

LH.lm <- lm(LakeHuron~time(LakeHuron))

ar(x = LH.lm$res)

      1        2  
 0.9714  -0.2754  

Order selected 2  sigma^2 estimated as  0.501

Or you can always regress by hand against BOTH orders:

n <- length(LakeHuron)
summary(lm(LH.lm$res[3:n] ~ 
           LH.lm$res[2:(n-1)] + 

lm(formula = LH.lm$res[3:n] ~ LH.lm$res[2:(n - 1)] + LH.lm$res[1:(n - 

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.58428 -0.45246 -0.01622  0.40297  1.73202 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)          -0.007852   0.069121  -0.114  0.90980    
LH.lm$res[2:(n - 1)]  1.002137   0.097215  10.308  < 2e-16 ***
LH.lm$res[1:(n - 2)] -0.283798   0.099004  -2.867  0.00513 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.6766 on 93 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6441,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6365 
F-statistic: 84.17 on 2 and 93 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

In either case, strong evidence of a NEGATIVE second-order correlation. (note \(\phi_1 > 1\)!)

9.7.10 Fitting an AR(2) model with gls

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 T_i + \epsilon_i\] \[\epsilon_i = AR(2)\]

LH.gls2 <- gls(LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron), correlation = corARMA(p=2))
Generalized least squares fit by REML
  Model: LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron) 
  Data: NULL 
      AIC      BIC   logLik
  221.028 233.8497 -105.514

Correlation Structure: ARMA(2,0)
 Formula: ~1 
 Parameter estimate(s):
      Phi1       Phi2 
 1.0203418 -0.2741249 

                   Value Std.Error  t-value p-value
(Intercept)     619.6442 17.491090 35.42628  0.0000
time(LakeHuron)  -0.0211  0.009092 -2.32216  0.0223

time(LakeHuron) -1    

Standardized residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.16624672 -0.57959971  0.01070681  0.61705337  2.03975934 

Residual standard error: 1.18641 
Degrees of freedom: 98 total; 96 residual

Correlation coefficients: - \(\phi_1 = 1.02\)\ - \(\phi_2 = -0.27\)\

Regression slope: \ - \(\beta_1 = -0.021\) - p-value: 0.02\

So …. by taking the second order autocorrelation into account the temporal regression IS significant!?

9.7.11 Comparing models …

LH.gls0.1 <- gls(LakeHuron ~ 1, correlation = corAR1(form=~1), method="ML")
LH.gls0.2 <- gls(LakeHuron ~ 1, correlation = corARMA(p=2), method="ML")
LH.gls1.1 <- gls(LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron), correlation = corAR1(form=~1), method="ML")
LH.gls1.2 <- gls(LakeHuron ~ time(LakeHuron), correlation = corARMA(p=2), method="ML")

anova(LH.gls0.1, LH.gls0.2, LH.gls1.1, LH.gls1.2)
          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
LH.gls0.1     1  3 219.1960 226.9509 -106.5980                        
LH.gls0.2     2  4 215.2664 225.6063 -103.6332 1 vs 2 5.929504  0.0149
LH.gls1.1     3  4 218.4502 228.7900 -105.2251                        
LH.gls1.2     4  5 212.3965 225.3214 -101.1983 3 vs 4 8.053612  0.0045

THe lowest AIC - by a decent-ish margin - is the second order model with lag.

Note the non-default method = "ML" means that we are Maximizing the Likelihood (as opposed to the default, faster REML - restricted likelihood - which fits parameters but is harder to compare models with)

Newest conclusions:

  • The water level in Lake Huron IS dropping, and there is a high first order and significant negative second-order auto-correlation to the water level.
  • Even for very simple time-series and questions about simple linear trends … it is easy to make false inference (both see patterns that are not there, or fail to detect patterns that are there) if you don’t take auto-correlations into account!